- Creative energy; genius. 创造力;天才
- Carol had given creative energy to dress for the event. 为了参加今天晚上的盛会,卡萝尔煞费苦心地自己打扮一番。
- His creative energies were almost spent by 1900. 到1900年,他的创作活力几乎耗
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men. 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的出路.;然而不幸的是我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
- Kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine. 昆达里尼可以被描绘成脊骨底部创造性能量的巨大储库。
- Cinnamon leaf oil is a stimulant and hosts a lot of fire element to help creative energy to flow. 肉桂叶精油是一个促进剂,拥有许多火元素来帮助创造性能量流动。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen. 这些东西为人们潜在的创造力提供了一个绝妙的用武之地。但不幸的是,我们并非人人都是能工巧匠。
- Early in his television career, Wang worked hard to muster as much creative energy as he could. 进入电视圈初期,王伟忠每每为集结更多创意而绞尽脑汁。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy,but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men. 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的出路,然而不幸的是,我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
- Writing, for Lawrence, depended on inspiration. Inspired, he worked in a white heat of creative energy, uninspired, he worked not at all. 在写作上,劳伦斯依靠灵感。灵感来时,他极度兴奋地写作,创造力源源涌至;缺乏灵感时,他干脆搁笔。
- Rather than fear the consequences, clients and consultancies should work together to channel creative energy into viable results. 而不是担心后果的,客户及顾问应该携手合作渠道,创造性地把能量转化为可行的结果。
- The High Elves, the preferred race of the Seraphim, took advantage of the creative energy instilled within the very essence of the world. 高等精灵-炽天使的一个优秀种族,利用控制能量的优势慢慢成为了这个世界的精英。
- Excessive weight in the case of 1s may serve as psychic insulation, reflecting blocked creative energy, although other causes also contribute. 体重过重对1来说可作为一种心灵的隔离,反映出被阻断的创造性能量,虽然其他原因也有可能。
- The creative cycles are times one may wish to move forth with their projects and endeavors, as there is plenty of creative energy to manifest. 创造周期是一个所有成员希望以计划和努力前行的时期,因为有足够的创造性能量来展示。
- Mothers Wort will assist initiates in the movement of the creative energy to assist one\'s dream in stepping down into form. 益母草将协助提升者运作创造力能量来协助梦想步入成形。
- Whether we speak of life energy sexual energy creative energy or personal magnetism the dynamic nature of energy demands expression and release. 无论是我们的生命能量、性能量、创造性能量、或个人的磁场/魅力,这能量的动力需要被表达和释放。
- The three were published together the following year as Scenes from Clerical Life, and the book's publication marked the beginning of a period of great creative energy. 次年这三篇均收入《教区生活场景》一并出版,该书的出版标志着她旺盛创作时期的开始。
- What happens when all that creative energy is drained away and all that vitality is channeled into survival and mourning rather than continued creative expansion? 什么时候发生的一切,创造性能量是退掉了所有的生命力,是抒发成生存与殇而非继续扩张创意?
- The founder of INEB, Ajarn Sulak, has foreseen the problems of globalization very deeply and this has been the creative energy for INEB's future networking development. INEB的创办人萧素乐居士对于全球化问题的前瞻性,为INEB储存了最大的发展能量。
- As the individual sits in silence, having lifted his mind by use of the Lord's Prayer (an excellent affirmation), creative energy is released at this level. 当一个人静坐,通过运用主的祈祷(一种极好的肯定)以提升他的意识时,创造的能量就在这一层次被释放。